Friday, May 21, 2010

I would like to know if there is a parental advisory on a cartoon named Shaolin Showdown.?

Shaolin-Showdown is rated NR

I would like to know if there is a parental advisory on a cartoon named Shaolin Showdown.?
i dont like that show much but no there is not it is rated y7 i think
Reply:there is no parental advisory cus it contain mature themes i think it's pg y7 .. for no young kinds under seven . cus it contianes fight sence. but nothing to voilant for the kiddies .
Reply:i don't think so...
Reply:wait do you mean xiolin showdown or is this some kind of other anime?
Reply:that show is MA it makes south park look like mr. rodgers....oh wait shaolin showdown? yea that show is for kids.
Reply:No there is not. it's a kids show on cartoon network.

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