Monday, May 17, 2010

Have you ver picked a fight with a shaolin monk ?

I dont get it .

You call them to fight and they staart breaking sticks over their back, legs, and nads.

Are they trying to prove something Or help me out?

Have you ver picked a fight with a shaolin monk ?
Nope. Never.

You've been holiday shopping, I see. Stay away from malls and that happens less.
Reply:yes. i do all the time.
Reply:just yesterday, he won !
Reply:ha maybeeeee.
Reply:Not yet
Reply:Try calling them out while standing on rice paper.

That impresses them...
Reply:You're first fight would be your last.
Reply:I tried but he picked up the hem of his robe and ran like crazy.

Go figure!!!
Reply:I've never picked a fight in my life.

If they wish to stand there and beat themselves up while you wait or run, more power to them.
Reply:I did one time..While he was hitting is self %26amp; quit...I hit him with mind...a BASEBALL BAT

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