Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is it like to study with Shaolin Monks?

Someday I want to study with Shaolin Monks, and i was wondering what it is like. What do they do daily? How do they live and what do they eat? What do they think about girls studying Shaolin?

Please be detailed with your answer.

What is it like to study with Shaolin Monks?
To the guy that posted above he should know that the correct spelling IS shaolin. xiaolin is just the name of an extremely lame kids show. Also to train with the SHAOLIN is not only a great honor/privalege but it is extremely good/ agonizing training. Alot of the time to be taken in you have to percevere for 6 months with your only lesson being standing in a horse stance. Unfortunatly ever since the chinese government decided to burn the shaolin temple and use a couple remaining monks to rebuild it kung fu has been extremely misunderstood. Now they are highly commercialized and into basicly doing cool tricks. There is a province nearby the shaolin temple where some of the surviving grandmasters escaped to when the shaolin temple was destroyed. I forgot its name but it starts with a D something like Darnteu or something. Anyways I don't thing they descriminate gender-wise they might I don't know though because there are a few female grandmasters. They eat pretty much normal things and they train intensly for about 6 hours a day. They train first by running up and around mountains. Then they stretch out, then strength train as well as stance train, then do self defense/fighting techniques, then spar, then do forms. This is of coarse the traditional shaolin I do not know with those damn government basterdization of the shaolin monestary fighters do
Reply:I'ts great! You get to meet Liu Kang and Kung Lao(lol)
Reply:Lui Kang and Kung Lao were part of the Wushi academy. Not to be mistaken for wushu.
Reply:you might try spelling it right. xiaolin

also when you say it you should alomst be able to here a very soft "Z" sound along with the "SH" sound.
Reply:it is awesome, i do it all the time
Reply:Nation Geographic created a great film on the Shaolin Monks. I would look for it on Utube or on Limewire.

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