Thursday, November 12, 2009

What the heck is Shaolin Kempo?

I have heard of Kenpo but when did the Okinawans ever use Shaolin? Is this Fred another Fraud? He brags at being a Tenth degree wearng all kinds of stripes on his Obi. Is he for real or a fast food school? anyone been to them and train before i would love to hear some stories if you have. Thanks.

What the heck is Shaolin Kempo?
Ok I DO have experience with Fred.

Here is a link:

YOU CAN BUY A BLACK BELT LEARN AT HOME VIDEO FOR $149.95 NOW if that does not scream McDojo I do not know what does.

Yes Kempo or Kenpo themselves are good art forms. Ed Parker has a Great Kenpo system. He is certainly not the only one.

Fred Villari is nothing but a money making businessman, I will not comment on his personal skills, but he does not produce quality black belts. He brags of having 500 schools. Thats again screams McDojo.

He has said he was a tenth degree in the early 80's. I know MANY founding American Karate people and they all laught when his name is mentioed, and that is from people such as Thomas Lapuppet, Ed Gross, William Louie, Lenchus, and a few other originals from the early 50's. They all said he is what gives other Dojo's a bad rep.

You go t here, sign into a black belt program that gaurantees you a bb in two or three years and now the videos.

Stay away if you can. Learn Kempo or Kenpo if you want, just make sure it is not a VIllari or Masters system. Always check your references. There are MANY good Kenpo schools.

This one is not.
Reply:trust me Monkey he is a joke and a McDojo. any one of my green belts is more advanced than his Black belts. How do I know? I put them in as BB against them and won every match against them. Kenpo in Okinawan with origins from china. Kempo is the mispelling Parker uses Kenpo also. Report It

Reply:Do you happen to have a link to this "Fred's" school that we could see?

Kempo is real and as a martial art is legit. In fact, a lot of times it can be called "kenpo". It depends on who you talk to and what the lineage of the art is.

As far as Fred being legit or not, it's hard to say without seeing his school, meeting him and/or meeting his teacher.
Reply:Kempo is Japanese for 'China Fist' or kung fu.

Shaolin means 'young forest' as in the Shaolin Temple Buddhist monestary where the Shaolin style of kung fu fighting originated about 800 years ago.

'Kempo' is a legitimate and no-nonsense fighting style, essentially a Japanese version of kung fu.

The trouble is, there are tons of 'McDojos' out there claiming to be teaching 'kempo'. Shaolin Kempo sounds like a mixture of two terms. Also, another problem is that a lot of MMA schools are throwing the word 'kempo' or 'kenpo' next to their school name but don't teach kempo but the standard Muy Thai, BJJ/Sambo/Judo, boxing, wrestling mixture to win in the ring.

Billy Blanks was a very good Kempo practitioner of the Ed Parker school at one time.
Reply:Essentially Kenpo %26amp; Kempo are the same style of martial art. The differentiation comes in which coast of the United States you are on. On the West Coast - it's Master Ed Parker and called Kenpo. On the East Coast - it's Master William Chow and called Kempo.

Shaolin Kempo is a mixed martial art that teaches traditional Kempo styles and has kickboxing, karate, judo, and kung fu moves also thrown for learning.

You can find more @
Reply:Shaolin Kempo is basically kenpo. Kenpo is actually the misspelling of Kempo. The Shaolin part comes from the fact that the system has a lot of kung fu moves in it. Also, Fred Villari is NOT a fraud. I'm in his system and it's very effective. In his seminars, he really explains it and he shows how effective it is by really doing it on the people helping him except for when the moves can kill the person. In the system, Villari appointed a group of the 7 highest instructors in the system, all 8th and 9th degrees (they aren't frauds either and I know because one of them is the master at my dojo). Together they are the 7 dragons and if they all tried to fight him they would lose horribly. My master, Joan Richert (9th degree) has sparred for a long time and has broken so many bones in her lifetime. If she can be beat with her 6 other members against her master then, he is worthy of being 10th degree. And last but not least, Villari does NOT brag about being tenth degree. He doesn't usually publicize his accomplishments and he doesn't brag about his school. When I put up a post on Yahoo answers about people who know who Fred Villari, only 1 person knew.

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