Thursday, November 12, 2009

If you quit your life to go practice shaolin would you feel like you were missing out?

If you were a rich successful man and life was only getting better, would you still find happiness and feal like you weren't missing out if you went to go live a lofe of shaolin?

If you quit your life to go practice shaolin would you feel like you were missing out?
Of course I would feeling like I was missing out if I "lived" my "life" in isolation. For me, life is giving my best in harmony with nature, especially my own nature. If I were rich, I would have that much more of my best to give. If I ever stopped pursuing making a difference in the ways that I do best and enjoy best, then I would be quite depressed. Practice Shaolin (if you wish) in life, not in isolation, for the purpose of finding harmony with all things and with your greatest loves and potentials. There is no greater happiness or beauty.
Reply:I'm not a man...I think that i would just end up making friends with a flying panda bear, painting him blue, and riding him down the Las Vegas strip with all those guys in their sports cars. Then we may go to Disney Land.

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