Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shaolin kung fu in orange county?

Hey anyone know of a good school that isn't expensive, teaches forms, does not go easy on the students, and has some sparring?

I have visted several schools in the area "shao-lin kf" schools but their forms lack discipline, and the teachers seemed a bit odd. The wushu places don't fight, but their forms are great.. i'm not looking for karate or tae kwan do or a mix of any such thing.

Shaolin kung fu in orange county?
well, I go to OC all the time and that place has the worst places to learn martial arts. u better take wushu because its flexible btu8 look for a school thats organized, like exactly what u learn in a rank, free private lessons, culture, pride, cleanliness, and mass decorations in the place to show how they prosper, look for teachers that shoe respect, and students who dont compete over each other. Most martial arts in OC is crappy and its mostly teachers that have learned at a rec and opened a small buisness for money. look for places with links to tournament organaizations that are big or federations that are famous like National Wushu Federation because that shows that they are legit and that they have contact with them.
Reply:Welcome to the internet my friend... how may I help you?

perhaps a simple search for Kung fu in Orange county?


thank you and come again!

Remember, when you surf the internet! always wear a condom on your head! Virus's are everywhere!!!
Reply:if you're an adult and not some 14 year old punk and if you have the balls- got to China, you can become a student and learn it all first hand. but they will punish you physically.

flowers baby

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